Kieran Hodge Portfolio

Kieran Hodge

Junior Front-end Designer

Primary Skills

Language Abilities

A very strong understanding of HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap with exposure to Javascript, Jquery, Java, PHP, mySQL, Python, C++, UML & YAML.

Editing Programs

I have just out grown notepad++ and moved to brackets, invested a good amount of time with Visual Studio, Adobe PhotoShop, Illustrator & Fireworks this includes CS6 and CC editions.


Very large understanding of SEO, cross-browser compatiblity and designing my pages with a responsive design in mind, knowledge of Wordpress and blogging.


Documentation is very important for me and for any future developers that come in behind me, I conduct this with a combination of pseudo code, flowcharts, wireframes and prototypes with software such as Justinmind & MS Visio.


Working with clients

Personal & University projects

Who am I ?

Based in Somerset, I am a individual with a creative flare along with a ever growing passion for technology, this interest has powered me in building my coding skills to display my ability to think outside of the box to develop simple clean UI designs even for complex requirements, these skills cover both frontend and backend development.

When I'm not punching keys I enjoying hitting trails & gravel paths on my bike, along with editing photo's and video clips which enables me to publish my media on pinterest & youtube which allows me to expand my knowledge in editor's such as the photoshop, along with a growing interest in Electronic Engineering with the Raspberry Pi & Arduino to operate small circuits. I enjoy expanding my connections with other developers and fellow designers with the use of social media and whilst commuting.

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